Sunday, March 20, 2016

Teamwork Has Personal Benefits

In my 30 years of sales and marketing, I have probably heard -"There's no "I" in team! about a gazillion times. Well, any cotton-headed ninny muggins can see that! The thing that no one ever bothered to tell me is that teamwork can benefit every member of the team on a personal level - hence, putting the imaginary "I" in team.

Teamwork Brings Different Minds to the Same Problem

Do you agree that no two people's life experiences are the same? If so, that would mean that everything you have learned through your experiences is totally different from your coworkers. Collaborating on an issue not only solves the problem but also creates enthusiasm for learning new skills and ideas. These newly learned skills will benefit each team member for the rest of their careers.

Teamwork Improves Performance and Efficiency

Everyone is good at something, right? Teamwork allows each member to focus on what they do best. This collaborative effort will create a better work flow and allow more tasks to get done faster. Teamwork develops trust and teaches each team member the importance of reaching collective goals.

Teamwork Teaches Each Member How to Resolve Conflicts

People with unique viewpoints and varied backgrounds create a successful organization. The problem is that when you put together this group of unique people, conflicts are going to occur. When people work together in a spirit of teamwork, conflicts are resolved within the group and management interference is not necessary. Conflict resolution is an important skill to be developed by all future managers.

Every member of an effective team must feel important to the team. Anything less will cause the entire team to suffer. Every member must have a role in any project and you must trust them to contribute their best ideas. Each team member must build on each other's skills to create more efficient and effective results.

This article originally appeared in LinkedIn Pulse on December 4, 2015 and is included in this blog as an additional source of blogging tips.

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