Friday, July 11, 2014

Blog Writers Need A Google Word Processor

If only Google could invent a word processor for freelance blog writers.
Most blog writers seem to be in a dilemma about just what type of blog content people and search
engines like and trust. Since Google appears to be making all the rules in online content marketing, it’s about time  the company designs its own specialized word processor. They certainly have the money and blog writers need a Google word processor.

With the new word processor every blog writer could immediately determine just what quality web content is and how to design it to rank best in search results. Here are some ways that a Google word processor could benefit everyone.

Does Your Word Processor Have A “Title Checker”?


If you have made it this far, the title of this article was a success. That’s exactly what blog post titles are supposed to do – get the reader past the first paragraph. Some say that a title should be no more than 70 characters. Others say the title should be 12 words or more. Who’s right? The correct answer is – it really doesn’t matter. The title must be relevant to the article, be eye-catching, and cause the reader to at least scan your article.

“Spell Check” Is Out And “Relevance Check” Is In


Look, if you are writing blog posts that have no relevance to your target audience, it doesn’ t really matter how many misspelled words you’ve included. People search online for information and they want to find it quickly. If your blog content provides real value to the consumer in a way that is not all about selling something, it’s relevant.

A Word Processor With A Built-In Quality Editor


Wouldn’t it be nice to have a word processor that would check to see if your blog article was really interesting and an easy read? It could even have a “value meter” to see if you are providing information that consumers can actually use. It could also tell you whether or not you’ve been totally honest and transparent. It would also be nice to know the article’s exact probability of being read, shared, and linked to.

Well, Google’s best advice seems to be to write content as though search engines didn’t exist. As far as I know they haven’t released any information about a new type of word processor, but I want to get on the list just in case. After all, if they can come up with a driver-less car, who knows? In the meantime, I guess we just have to settle for Microsoft Word or something similar.

If Google did invent a word processor designed specifically for freelance blog writers, what features would you suggest?

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